Month: September 2016 (Page 2 of 2)

Lunar Marines

As radiosaurs were not initially prepared to fight in the vacuum of space, the Lunar Marines managed to hold out against their opponents far longer than another other federated human force. Their ability to conduct unmolested ICBM strikes against radiosaur military assets and positions was a valuable asset to the human resistance efforts, notably during the Battle of Butte, but as soon as the Lunar Expeditionary Force was able to push portals up to the moon’s surface they were quickly overwhelmed.

Human folklore maintains that the Lunar Marines were not destroyed as the government would have them believe, but instead they retreated into bases carved deep within the moon, supporting a government in exile, gathering their strength, and waiting for the right moment to strike back.

The Portals of Barstow

This painting depicts what is largely seen as the turning point of the Great Pacification: the moment the Vanguard ripped through the sky and tore into the flank of the Eleventh UN Marine Division at the Battle of Barstow. Unaware up to that point of the Vanguard’s portal technology, the Marines were totally unprepared for the assault and they were decimated by the jaws and bullets of the radiosaurs within minutes. While the conflict would officially continue for another year, many see this as the defeat that broke the UN’s military coalition and with that any hope of a bilateral peace agreement between humans and radiosaurs.

Lewis & Johnny Across the Wastelands

“Was that you?”

Lewis scrunched his face and spat a brown spray of chew spit. “Naw.”

“Get off me.”

It came again: a rumble, a vibration, tickling the saddle. And then the stench.

Jonathan shook and took off in a gallop, to the extent he could sprint his hefty triceratops frame, snorting and heaving to expel the scent.

“Whoa, Johnny!” Lewis was perturbed. “It’s just a bit a beans is all!”

“You’re walking.” Jonathan’s voice was a deep rumble, unhurried, patient. He stopped.

“Now listen here,” Lewis’ thin, small voice whined, “it’s ninety miles still across this wasteland and I ain’t walkin’ it. Hey. Hey. You want them Ketz-al-coat riches as much as I do, an’ I’m the only one EQUIPPED”–that said like a trial lawyer–“to pull the trigger.” He cupped his hands like hooves around his pistol and feigned like Jonathan wrestling to handle it, deepening his voice and making pathetic “maw maw maw” sounds.

Brandon Vernon
Excerpt from The Treasure of Ketzalkotal

Farraday Bag

A farraday bag is one of the quintessential bits of Wastelander kit; a blanket term for one of many different kinds of bags and soft-sided containers used to shield food and electronics from both the effects of external radiation and hopefully to obscure personal electronics from circuit-sensitive creatures – notably The Swarm. It’s typically made of a nanocrystalline ferromagnetic fabric on the outside with a thick lead shield on the inside.

Harold Rex

“Frances leaned in close as the Troodons scurried around Harold, clamping the exoskeleton onto his hulking frame.

“Don’t let them win,” she said, her black slits of pupils narrowing. “You are more powerful than any of them.” She stood back.

Two Troodons guided 15-foot mechanical arms toward Harold’s dwarfed appendages, and when the clamps bit down on the frame the controls were now within reach. Harold grabbed the one-button handlebars with each of his small arms, close to his tremendous green-and-brown chest, and gave a starter tug. The system gasped and shot steam across the hangar, and the Troodons — a quarter of Harold’s size, nimble, brilliant — sped off to control stations and to outfit the next warrior.

Harold clenched the controls and watched as his mechanical arms responded in kind, reaching, twisting, grabbing, swinging. To counterbalance the weight and the motion, he planted his enormous, muscular legs onto the hangar floor and stretched his tail — itself the length of the mech — far behind him. It swept a gale of dry earth in its wake as he turned, and nearby scientists and warriors, so busy preparing for battle, had to flit their lower eyelids to protect themselves from the debris.

As the dust settled, he slowed himself gracefully, took stock of his new mech, and let out a powerful sigh. Frances stepped close again. She was larger than him, and a deep purple hue darkened her crust of flesh. Harold had long avoided making eye contact with anyone, and especially her. But now his neck craned up and he nudged her long neck with his broken snout. He raised his head up to her level, his left eye connecting with her right. She pulled back, surprised by the gesture, and the flesh around his jaw became a cracked and scarred snarl. His nostrils sucked the oxygen from the air as he raised his head high and let out a roar that shook the stones and dust from the hangar walls and brought the legion to a standstill. The roar continued, and onlookers — those brave enough to do so — could see his mangled, toothless mouth; gums raw from years of gnawing without blades to tear.

Two fellow Rexes, smaller than Harold but with all their teeth, fell in behind him. A forward guard of thirty raptors marched ahead and 12 dactyls spread their wings from their perch, all screaming for the battle ahead. As Harold’s roar died down, so did the rest. His maw closed as he looked at Frances one last time. For the first time in as long as he could remember, she looked afraid. Good, he thought, and he raised his mech arms, lifted his tail, and charged.”

Brandon Vernon
Excerpt from The Thunder of Battle, Vol. 3

Doctor Thimble’s Famous Serpent Oil

“Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and avail yourself of a bottle of Doctor Thimble’s Famous Serpent Oil! It’s the only vitalized emulsion available across both Eqs, North and South, derived from a patented and proprietary process using only the most potent venom milked from the fearsome fangs of a great Wasteland feathered serpent! Combined with the blood-cleansing agent Guaiacol and a blend of herbs so sacred to the nomads of that irradiated plain that they must be spirited away by yours truly in the deadest of night at great personal peril!
Doctor Thimble’s Famous Serpent Oil is a surefire deterrent to the hair loss, arthritis, rheumatoid swelling, saddle sores, neuralgia, and yes, the silent shame of the Wastes, the constipation that plagues even the hardiest of our nomadic heroes! Indeed no traveller would be caught dead without a supply of Doctor Thimble’s Wasteland Tonic stashed in their Farraday bags! Available today, right now, for the astonishingly low price of 45 Nucreds! An unbelievable bargain and balm against the cold, cold world that awaits you once you go beyond the pale horizon into that unforgiving territory!
Accept no imitations! Only those bottles bought direct from the Serpent Oil Company and bearing Doctor Thimble’s seal of authenticity can be guaranteed to produce the pure primal healing power of the Great Serpents!”

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