Category: Great Pacification


Wielding a krakk staff retrofitted with a kinestatic electricity collector on the blade end, the original Shocktroopers were a hastily-formed skirmishing unit organized in response to the electromage mutation. The shocktrooper’s krakk staff discharges a single lethal blast of energy on contact, after which it is still useful as a bladed weapon until the next charge cycle is complete, and perhaps most importantly is capable of absorbing the large amounts of electricity produced by most electromages. Shocktroopers proved especially useful during the Great Pacification of NorthEq and were deployed with stunning effectiveness in Montana District against the bandit kingdom that called itself the Gauss Gang. To this day, each District maintains its own quick response Shocktrooper unit to deal with electromage marauders.

Lunar Marines

As radiosaurs were not initially prepared to fight in the vacuum of space, the Lunar Marines managed to hold out against their opponents far longer than another other federated human force. Their ability to conduct unmolested ICBM strikes against radiosaur military assets and positions was a valuable asset to the human resistance efforts, notably during the Battle of Butte, but as soon as the Lunar Expeditionary Force was able to push portals up to the moon’s surface they were quickly overwhelmed.

Human folklore maintains that the Lunar Marines were not destroyed as the government would have them believe, but instead they retreated into bases carved deep within the moon, supporting a government in exile, gathering their strength, and waiting for the right moment to strike back.

The Portals of Barstow

This painting depicts what is largely seen as the turning point of the Great Pacification: the moment the Vanguard ripped through the sky and tore into the flank of the Eleventh UN Marine Division at the Battle of Barstow. Unaware up to that point of the Vanguard’s portal technology, the Marines were totally unprepared for the assault and they were decimated by the jaws and bullets of the radiosaurs within minutes. While the conflict would officially continue for another year, many see this as the defeat that broke the UN’s military coalition and with that any hope of a bilateral peace agreement between humans and radiosaurs.

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